Recently Indonesia hosted the 2023 Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Summit. This is an important event in the global diplomatic calendar specifically designed to address the problems and opportunities faced by island nations and archipelagos around the world. This event provides an important platform for leaders and representatives of the countries that comprise the island group to collaborate, share experiences, and design concrete solutions to the environmental, social, economic, and political challenges that are unique to them.
Island and archipelagic nations play an important role in the global ecosystem, presenting extraordinary natural wealth, high biodiversity and huge resource potential. However, they are also often highly vulnerable to climate change, alarming rates of sea level rise, and other environmental challenges. Therefore, the AIS Forum is a valuable platform to address these changes and promote sustainable development.
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The AIS Forum has been an effective vehicle for producing real change at various levels. One successful example is the establishment of a Plastic Free Zone on the island of Bali, Indonesia, which was launched as a commitment to reduce plastic waste in the marine and coastal environment.
In addition, this forum has also opened the door to the formation of regional and international agreements that focus on problems faced by island countries, such as agreements to protect coral reefs in the Caribbean.
AIS Forum 2023 plays an important role in ensuring that the voices of island and island nations are heard in the global debate on climate change, sustainability and environmental protection. This is an opportunity for island nations to come together, share knowledge, and formulate concrete solutions that will help address global challenges, such as rising sea levels, ecosystem damage, and socio-economic change.
The AIS 2023 Forum shows that with cooperation and shared commitment, island and island nations can protect their natural bounty, promote sustainability, and make positive contributions to transboundary global issues. As a unique platform for collaboration, the AIS Forum continues to inspire positive change and provides an example to the rest of the world of how international cooperation can influence change.