Photo Credit : Greensboro Association
Throughout life, individuals inevitably encounter challenges in satisfying their necessities without the assistance of others, and conversely, others rely on them. This commonality fosters a sense of connection among us, prompting both individual and group interactions, imbuing significance into each person's existence. These interactions entail the transmission of communication from sender to receiver (Zapienza et al. 2017). When aligned with fulfilling these needs, the conveyed message assumes a targeted and logical approach (Bourne, 2016), consequently evolving into a shared culture. It is within this consensus that the field of communication science perceives an endeavour to establish a collective ethos, particularly in fostering comprehension and parity among humans, fostering collaborative efforts to foster and sustain relationships. This fundamental principle serves as the bedrock for community formation.
The process of community formation typically aims to garner support, foster camaraderie, and facilitate collaborative endeavours. Members of a community often find it more feasible to engage actively and aid in bolstering the community's cohesion.
In its evolution, communities often lack a formal institutionalized structure (Ocasio, 2023). Some communities opt not to formalize their organization to maintain flexibility. Nevertheless, as communities progress, they increasingly adopt a formalized framework to facilitate structured collaboration. Hence, it is advisable for communities to establish a formal structure and hierarchy tailored to their specific type, values, size, objectives, and the requirements of their constituents. The components of community structure and hierarchy can be explained as follows:
In point 6 above, it is stated that communication patterns in a community are very dependent on the level of participation of its members (Amin, 2022). This is an important aspect in building strong relationships, collaboration opportunities, and creating a positive and inclusive environment to embrace all individuals (Castafier & Oliveira, 2020). Deep interactions may occur and can be developed between fellow community members: can be explained as follows:
From the description above, it can be concluded that the pattern of communication and interaction between members that occurs in a community not only strengthens social relations, but more broadly can increase active participation of members, enrich experiences, in helping to achieve common goals, so it is important for community managers. to encourage and facilitate positive interactions within the community.
-Diana Anggraeni
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