Community development is currently increasingly complex and dynamic. In the process, this cannot be done individually. Currently, partnerships and collaboration are activities that are often carried out in community social groups to make their organizations into strong, empowered and sustainable institutions.
In this article, we see those partnerships with various entities, such as government, non-profit organizations, local entrepreneurs and community residents, can be the main driver of positive change in development. The challenges faced by communities are often complex. These challenges and obstacles involve various aspects of social, economic, technological, political, resource and environmental life. In this context, partnerships not only bring resources and expertise, but also expand the scope and impact of community development efforts through the networks they build.
Partnership is an activity that carries out a relationship or collaboration between two or more entities that work together to achieve goals in meeting mutual needs. Partnership is a form of cooperation that needs to be carried out for business development so that it is able to be globally competitive (Halik et al, 2019). In a community context, partnerships are carried out to strengthen, advance and improve the welfare of the community as a whole which is aligned to the needs, goals and resources available in the community. Partnership goals vary depending on the context and type of partnership formed. However, in general, the main goal of a partnership is to create greater added value than either party can achieve individually. Several types of partnerships that can be carried out together with the community include, among others:
- Partnership in doing business, where two organizations agree to share profits, losses and responsibilities for the business built together. In research on partnerships between tofu business UMKM and the Ministry of Cooperatives and UKM, Halik et al. (2019), stated that partnerships carried out with training, sales distribution including providing business capital, can increase the income of tofu business entrepreneurs.
- Development strategic partnerships, for example partnerships in socializing family development, population and family planning programs (Bangga Kencana) carried out by communities with the Ministry of Child Protection which aims to safeguard children's rights. This was carried out by 54 community radio stations which are members of the West Java Community Radio Network (JRK) in collaboration with the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) in 2020. This program carries 6 programs, namely (1) implementing advocacy through communication, information and education (KIE), counselling and promotion based on data and family information contained in the family information system (Siga). (2) Partnership in implementing the Bangga Kencana program, (3) family planning services together with field line staff of the Bangga Kencana program, (4) increasing the competency of human resources implementing and managing the program, (5) socialization of national priority programs (ProPN), such as health reproduction, youth and 1000 HPK, as well as rebranding which is one of the priorities of the BKKBN program through various activities and (6) strengthening the existence of the community radio network in West Java as one of the main community media for the Bangga Kencana program. (, 2020).
- Marketing partnerships such as those carried out by the Maja Arts and Culture Community Radio, Bandung in promoting resident's businesses in the Ujungberung market which are within the reach of their community radio broadcasts. Business advertisements are carried out by informing the prices of necessities and household necessities which are broadcast every morning.
- Partnerships for research and development of new technology, products and services, such as those carried out by the Dapur Remaja Radio Community, in Sawangan Depok, which conducts research with the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Pancasila University, Jakarta with Community Service (PKM) activities to find out the audience's response to using services technology implemented by the community.
- Environmental Partnership carried out in the Sesaot Community Forest (HKm) area, West Nusa Tenggara Province by the government towards the community by giving management rights to cultivators to manage various types of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs). The program has succeeded in encouraging community participation with three main activities, namely incentives, enabling and disincentives, thus bringing together an understanding between the government and farmers regarding social forestry (Yumantoko, et al. 2024).
- Educational Partnerships such as those carried out by SMK 1 Surakarta which seeks to create partnerships between schools, families and the community. Even though it has not gone as expected, this partnership seeks to provide inspiration and motivation to school students by carrying out various activities involving stakeholders in their environment.
From the description above, it can be concluded that partnerships or collaborations can have a mutually beneficial impact between the various parties involved to achieve better community development goals. Through this discussion, it is hoped that readers will gain a better understanding of how to build effective and sustainable partnerships in community development.
-Diana Anggraeni
Halik, RAF., Rifin, A., dan Jahroh, S. (2019). Pengaruh Kemitraan Terhadap Kinerja Usaha Mikro dan Kecil Tahu di Indonesia. Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness). Vol 8 (2), 164-174.
Jatmika, S. (2018). Pelaksanaan Kemitraan antara Sekolah, Keluarga dan Masyarakat pada SMK Bisnis Manajemen Kota Surakarta. Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial, Vol 28 (2), 36-43.
Yumantoko, Suharko, Rubangi Al Hasan, Triyono.(2024). Partisipasi Komunitas dalam Konservasi Lingkungan Studi Implementasi Perhutanan Sosial di Kawasan Hutan Sesaot, Lombok Barat, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan, 22(2), 408-420, doi:10.14710/jil.22.2.408-420).