Photo Credit : Key Differences
Humans are social creatures who cannot fulfil their life needs alone. Throughout their lives, humans use symbols to communicate all things related to these needs. Forms of communication include interaction, dialogue, socialization, or any other form of interaction, either directly or indirectly. In this process, humans are subject to the norms and rules that apply in the environment where the individual is located. So, it can be said that humans live in an institutional environment, where human life is regulated according to procedures that have been mutually agreed upon either through an institution or organization.
Institutions in sociological studies are known as social institutions. However, in other terms it can be understood as an institution in the form of a forum or place that has a set of norms, social values, beliefs, general behavior patterns and a system of relationships that interact with each other to meet various needs. Horton and Hunt (1987) state that social institutions have a system of norms to achieve goals or activities that society considers important. Meanwhile, Koentjarningrat (1979) believes that institutions are systems that enable community members to interact according to patterns or systems of behavior patterns and relationships that are centered on activities to meet the complexity of their needs in community life. Not all elements in an institution can be seen physically, such as behavior and interactions, but can also be understood imaginatively, imagined, or felt to form perceptions (Santosa, 2009).
There are 8 types of social institutions known in society (Koentjaraningrat, 1979; Horton and Hunt, 1987), namely:
The aim of establishing an institution is to create a set of social norms, which are used to regulate human life needs, regulate the social life of its members so that it is orderly and smooth in accordance with applicable rules. Example: educational institutions regulate schools on how to educate students so that they can produce students who are good and reliable morally and ethically. The function of the institution according to Koentjaraningrat (1979) is to:
Meanwhile, an organization is a system that exists within an institution. In this system there are subsystems that are interrelated, working together to carry out an activity where this activity has a pattern and is planned according to the specified goals. Liliweri (2014), says that an organization is a social entity that has certain goals, a structured and coordinated activity system that is related to the external environment and is determined by identifiable boundaries. Weber (1947), quoted by Liliweri (2014), stated that an organization is a form of social relationship produced by interpersonal ties that has rules to limit and organize various regular functions, organize individual actions and social relations that are formed and have a head. or leaders and employees. So, it can be concluded that an organization is an activity carried out by a group of people who carry out actions and interactions in accordance with mutually agreed rules to achieve predetermined goals (Pace & Faules, 2010). An organization is an open and complex system that is influenced by the internal and external environment and involves messages and channels, goals, direction and media. Then involve members in it, thereby creating messages that interact with each other.
Every organization has elements, including a number of people (two or more), where they are willing to work in a structured manner by adhering to certain rules and then carrying out common goals as agreed. There are 4 characteristics in an organization, namely:
From the explanation of institutions and organizations, a comparison can be made between the two as follows:
Institutions |
Organizations |
Definition |
Systems that enable community members to interact according to patterns or systems of behavior and relationships that are centered on activities to fulfill specific complex needs in community life. |
A social entity that has a specific purpose, a system of structured and coordinated activities related to the external environment and defined by identifiable boundaries. |
Characteristic |
· Have mutually agreed values and morals. · Consists of quite large community members. · Has a pattern of behavior. · Have a relationship system. · Have members who can come and go without disturbing the existence of the institution itself. |
· Has several members. · Have written rules regarding objectives, policies, procedures, and regulations. · Create a program for one place only. · Have defined work roles and functions. |
It can be concluded that institutions are very important in organizing people's lives. Without institutions, life would be chaotic. The higher the population, the higher the needs and this will result in more institutions being formed. The complexity of institutions in rural areas will also definitely be different from community institutions in urban areas. Meanwhile, organizations have their own characteristics according to their institutional field, which will form an organizational culture that will be used and binding for all members who are members of the organization.
-Diana Anggraeni
Horton, Paul B. dan Hunt, Chester L. (1999). Sosiologi; Edisi Keenam Jilid I. Jakarta: PT Erlangga
Koentjaraningrat. (1990). Pengantar Ilmu Antropologi. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
Liliweri, Alo. (2014). Sosiologi & Komunikasi Organisasi. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara
Pace, R. Wayne & Faules, Don F. (2010). Komunikasi Organisasi. Strategi Meningkatkan Kinerja Perusahaan. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.
Santosa, Agus. (2009). Pranata Sosial: Pengertian, Tipe dan Fungsi.