Photo Credit : Public Relations Office of the Government of Japan
Human resources are an important element in achieving development goals. In the era of globalization and the information era, every nation is required to have human resources who not only have a strong mentality but must also be clever in the field of science and technology. Large human resources must be utilized to become an asset that is beneficial for national development. Therefore, expertise, skills and opportunities must be provided to human resources according to their biological and spiritual abilities. Mulyandari et al (2016) said that it is necessary to take careful and wise action in equipping and preparing human resources, so that they truly become productive and useful national development assets.
The presence of the era of society 5.0 is an issue that is widely discussed. Society 5.0 is a concept of solving social problems by balancing economic progress with solving social problems using a system that integrates physical space and virtual space. Society 5.0 anticipates global trends because of the emergence of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The industrial revolution 4.0 has given birth to various innovations in the industrial world and society in general. Society 5.0 is an answer to the challenges arising from the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 which was accompanied by disruption characterized by a world full of turmoil, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (Misbah & Budiyanto 2020).
Humans currently depend on information and communication technology, especially the use of IoT (Internet of Things), the use of augmented reality and finally the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence), both in the fields of education, health, economics, social and culture. The challenge facing the Indonesian people is the fear that the use of technology will reduce existing job opportunities. In this regard, Indonesia needs to prepare regulations to protect workers from the threat of losing their jobs as a result of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, so that the demographic bonus facing Indonesia can be made a subject that controls technology. The demographic bonus for Indonesia must be able to be used as an opportunity by increasing its capacity and quality so that it has high professionalism and nationalism so that it has proud global competitiveness.
Historically, development in the world has experienced a paradigm shift. In realizing a prosperous society, a new strategy or development paradigm is needed that emphasizes human quality factors. A development perspective that emphasizes human capacity continues to receive criticism but is also recognized by many as a promising development paradigm. Human-centered development is truly aimed at providing benefits to people, both in their actions and in their results, and gives them the opportunity to develop creative intelligence for their own future and the future of society.
Returning to the era of society 5.0, it is an era that is human-centered and technology-based, meaning, an era where artificial intelligence will be fully dedicated to increasing human ability to discover and open up various opportunities. owned by humans. The era of society 5.0 demands qualified human resources, meaning, having abilities in their scientific fields and applying them in their activities while maintaining the noble values they adhere to (Cahyadiana, 2019), so, this era requires human resources who have abilities in the fields of:
Leaders in the era of society 5.0 must have the ability to adopt, and the speed of deciding everything appropriately during very rapid changes. Utilizing computerization and the internet as well as working with big data is an absolute necessity that must be mastered by digital era leaders. Managerial leadership is closely related to activities to evaluate and control teams together, feedback or input needs to be carried out constantly and integrated not only internally but also connected to external parties.
Other characteristics are being brave, willing to accept, encourage and motivate the team to provide feedback to their leadership for the betterment of the organization. Apart from that, leaders must have openness and develop talents for their successors. Aritonang et al., (2021) provide recommendations for leadership, motivation and work culture that are needed, including the importance of transformational leadership supported by managerial progress, education and commitment, the importance of motivation both internally and externally, supported by rewards and punishments, the need for commitment so that the work culture becomes stronger so that it has a positive impact on program implementation to be more optimal, as well as the importance of commitment, management and availability of human resource potential, according to needs and placement according to their field.
Foreign language skills must be prepared in the era of society 5.0. After 2020, it is estimated that cognitive abilities will be the most needed skills, followed by system skills, complex problem solving, content skills, and process skills. This also shows that to face the era of society 5.0, human resources are needed who have flexible cognitive abilities, good logical thinking, sensitivity to problems, and the ability to master languages used internationally. The era of society 5.0 emphasizes the development of cognitive abilities skills to improve the quality of human resources in entering the era of society 5.0 forcing humans to enter two worlds, namely the real world and the virtual world. The internet of things which opens up connectivity to anyone throughout the world means that everyone must have universal language skills.
The consequence of the era of society 5.0 is mastery of IT literacy. Even though he does not have academic skills in the field of information technology. However, to be able to compete, IT capabilities must be developed. IT literacy is a focus on the concept of society 5.0. IT literacy is an important part of cognitive flexibility (mental flexibility). The brain's ability to switch from thinking about one thing to another, especially when a new and unexpected work-related condition arises.
One of the skills that entrepreneurs or anyone must have in the era of society 4.0 and 5.0 is writing skills. Writing activities are also unforgettable and must be had to develop yourself and your business. By writing you can express a new idea or innovative idea that can be developed through society 5.0. The level of scientific publications from a country reflects the level of public education and the quality of education. Literacy is very necessary in the era of industrial revolution to appreciate the very rapid changes in the world.
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that there is a need to improve the quality, expertise, skills, or abilities of human resources in the era of society 5.0. This process can be developed through education and training, both formal and informal. Society 5.0 has the characteristic of being intelligent, critical, and highly literate in experiencing the dimensions of life, so that human dignity must be the main consideration (humanity is the first and ultimate consideration). Wise respect for humans as makers and users is built on the principle: Humans must not become victims of the developments they make, including technology. Humans and the natural environment must be respected in a balanced and equal manner.
-Rosmalia Ahmad & Diana Anggraeni
Aritonang SF, Wasistiono S, Hubeis M, Sulistyani D. 2021. The influence of leadership, motivation and work culture on the performance of poverty reduction program in the Administrative City of North Jakarta. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding. Vol. 8(12). Doi: ijmmu.v8i12.3267.
Cahyadiana W. 2019. Sumber Daya Manusia Unggul Menyongsong Era Society 5.0. Pendidikan, Bisnis, dan Manajemen Menyongsong Era Society 5.0. Baskara Media.
Misbah M, & Budiyanto. 2020. Strategic human resources management to take the challenges of the Society Era 5.0. Proceeding 1st International Conference on Business & Social Sciences (ICOBUSS).
Mulyandari R, Sumardjo, Pandjaitan NK, Lubis DP. 2016. Pola Komunikasi dalam pengembangan modal manusia dan sosial pertanian. Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi. Vol 28(2): 135-158.