Community development involves a series of endeavours and commitments geared towards enhancing the well-being and empowerment of society as a whole in a sustainable manner. Throughout this process, diverse approaches and initiatives are employed to bolster the capabilities of both individuals and groups within the community, emphasizing interactive and proactive involvement in the developmental process. It is believed that within the community, numerous options and opportunities can be cultivated to foster sustainable community development grounded in principles of fairness. In summary, community development endeavours to address social issues and enhance the living standards of the lower-middle class, employing stages of planning, coordination, and development to address societal concerns. This approach, known as community-based management, accentuates the management of community knowledge and awareness, with the community actively engaged in defining needs, setting goals, and making decisions according to their aspirations.
Furthermore, Suharto (2014) outlined four principles of community development:
Additionally, Suharto (2014) detailed six program plans for managing community development:
In conclusion, community development strives to enhance community welfare and empowerment sustainably, with active community participation. Through tailored programs, it addresses social challenges and uplifts living standards, emphasizing the importance of community involvement in decision-making and goal-setting processes.
-Diana Anggraeni
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